California Resources Corporation Gains 55.56%

Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 05:30 PM
California Resources Corporation Gains 55.56%

California Resources Corporation (CRC:NYSE) soared at $2.52, representing a gain of 55.6%. On Wed 22 Apr 20, CRC:NYSE hit a New 2-Week Intraday High of $1.73. The stock got featured on our News Catalysts scanner on Thu 02 Apr 20 at 06:11 PM in the 'DOWNGRADE' category. From Wed 08 Apr 20, the stock recorded 44.44% Up Days and 60.00% Green Days

The share price of the company has been moving sideways in recent weeks.

About California Resources Corporation (CRC:NYSE)

California Resources Corp is an oil and natural gas exploration and production company, which operates within the State of California. It explores, produces, gathers, processes and markets crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids.

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