China Liberal Education Holdings Limited Gains 58.42%

Fri, Jun 07, 2024 at 07:19 PM
China Liberal Education Holdings Limited Gains 58.42%

China Liberal Education Holdings Limited (CLEU:NASDAQ) shot up at $3.2, a gain of 58.4%. On Fri, Jun 07, 2024, CLEU:NASDAQ touched a New 2-Week High of $3.2. From Fri, May 24, 2024, the stock recorded 55.56% Up Days and 50.00% Green Days

About China Liberal Education Holdings Limited (CLEU:NASDAQ)

China Liberal Education Holdings Ltd is an educational service provider operating in China. The various educational services and products provided by the company include services provided under Sino-foreign jointly managed academic programs, Overseas study consulting services, Technological consulting services and Job readiness training to graduating students. It also develops and provides textbooks and other course materials to students enrolled under the Sino-foreign Jointly Managed Academic Programs.

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